ダイアン フォン ファステンバーグのインスタグラム(dvf) - 9月23日 00時06分

It’s Libra time! Diane’s personal astrologer, @vonstrunckel, shares her horoscope for Libra in 2019 ♎️ For ages, Libras have had new ideas or potential changes in elements of their lives in mind, but those thoughts went no further. Suddenly, as early as January, these turn into discussions, then changes in the lives of others fit in with those ideas. However, with the actual circumstances shifting, their priorities, the ideas of others and practicalities demand a rethink. This is timely, because by midyear, both possibilities and their own objectives will have shifted dramatically. More important is what the Libras have learned about circumstances, others and their own constantly evolving goals. This is such a relief; they exchange an urgency about organizing changes to finding that they are actually enjoying the process of exploration.


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