トローヤン・ベリサリオのインスタグラム(sleepinthegardn) - 9月26日 11時48分

A decade, an epoch practically unheard of in television. That is how long @suits_usa has been a part of my (and all of our lives.) I will never forget the first time I said goodbye to @halfadams I watched him pack his bag (after I tried to fit myself in it) and we talked about how scary and exciting it all was and what it would be like... how could we ever possibly know... One visit to NYC and a million more to Downsview Toronto later and this show has changed my life. Dear suitors you have always welcomed me with loving arms. Dear incredible cast and crew of suits you let me sleep, eat and live (and even act) in your workspace and i am so indebted to you for it. And dear Patrick. Watching you create the beautiful beating bleeding heart that is Mike Ross is something I will never forget. You poured your talent, your blood and your soul into this show. You stepped into the role of director with total ease. And you created a character that will go down in tv history. It was never easy to say goodbye to you year after year to watch you return to Suits (in fact it was probably some of the hardest work I’ve ever had to do), but I am so grateful for everything I learned in the process and the family we built because of it.

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