野中生萌のインスタグラム(nonaka_miho) - 9月28日 21時46分

Felt like my trip to Europe/North America was quite short but i had a lot of fun✨🌸😊☀️
Played with LINE app for a laugh, had a serious conversation about climbing, and tried to climb all the problems at @blocshop Hochelaga it took me 5 hours to complete😱😂😅 I did only 85 out of 88 problems ( I’m not sure how many boulders there were tho )and I got super tired after all😑👎🏽😅
Looks like it’s not a special day...but change the way you look at it, it turns precious time and feel a sense of fulfillment😊Many thanks to my friends who made my trip amazing!👭👬✨❤️☺️☺️☺️
#canada #toronto #montreal #climbing #bouldering #friend #friendship #カナダ #トロント #モントリオール #クライミング #ボルダリング


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