HALCAのインスタグラム(halca_) - 10月3日 22時28分

The other day I stayed at a brand new hotel called "Hotel Discover Kyoto Nagaokakyo". ("Kee-YOH-toh Nah-gah-OH-ka-KEE-yoh") 

This hotel connects visitors with locals through experience and cultural exchange, creating a new and exciting environment. (I was lucky enough to try "Botanical Dyeing", but I'll talk about my experience later.)

On the first floor there is a cafe/bar where from 8:00pm-10:00pm they host a special event for both Japanese locals and foreigners from many countries. At this event there are staff members who speak both English and Japanese, so there is smooth communication for everyone. This creates a great opportunity for foreigners to learn some Japanese and discover Japan's culture.

This cafe/bar, called MACHIBARU, isn't only exclusive to hotel guests, but open to anyone who is interested in enjoying good food made from local ingredients special to only Nagaokakyo.The interior of the bar is so perfect that it makes you want to drink!

On the second floor there is a co-working space with free Wi-Fi and charging stations. The space is very open and is perfect for anyone who may want to sit down and get some work done. 

At @discover_kyoto_nagaokakyo , you can "Discover" many different experiences, and I am very grateful I was able to.

先日#京都長岡京 に新しく誕生した【Hotel Discover Kyoto Nagaokakyo】に宿泊してきました。

「体験」と「交流」と通じて、観光客が人や街とつながるように、新しい旅の楽しみ方を提案してくれる #コンセプトホテル ということで、地域の職人さんたちから学べる文化体験プログラムが充実。(わたしは草木染めを体験させていただきました!その内容は、また改めて。)





#hoteldiscoverkyotonagaokakyo #kyotonagaokakyo #kyotohotel #kyoto #concepthotel #coworking


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




