無印良品のインスタグラム(muji_global) - 10月7日 18時30分

10月4日(金)、スイス最大の都市で経済・文化の中心地であるチューリッヒに、スイス1号店となる「MUJI Zurich Glatt」が欧州最大級の売場面積をもってGlattショッピングセンター内にオープンしました。
The first MUJI store in Switzerland, MUJI Zurich Glatt, has opened on Friday, October 4th in Zurich, the largest city of Switzerland as well as its economic and cultural center. This store is located in Glatt Shopping Center with a sales floor area of 922.3㎡, making it one of the largest MUJI stores in Europe.
Glatt Shopping Center , which is located at about the midpoint between Zurich's downtown and the airport, is a shopping mall that has been popular with locals for many years. We chose this location to open our first MUJI store in Switzerland in order to serve the daily lives of local people. This store has the largest product lineup in Europe and handles a wide range of products from daily household goods, clothing to food items.
In the future, we also plan to collaborate with the supermarket in Glatt and invite various producers and local artists to hold workshops and events.
In addition to being a place where customers can enjoy shopping, we also aim to become a platform rooted in the local community where people and people, people and the society can be connected.
#無印良品 #MUJI #MUJIshop #MUJIflagship #MUJIZurichGlatt #Switzerland #Zurich #Glattzentrum #Glatt


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