ギャランス・ドレのインスタグラム(garancedore) - 10月24日 23時31分

I have a closet full with supplements. If their promises were true, I’d be glowy, fit, happy, have shiny hair, sleep amazing and be fire in the bedroom. I am pretty much all these things already though 😏
Some supplements I bought, some were gifted, some I have no idea how they landed here, I just know I feel guilty if I don’t use them, because, health is wealth, but also : landfill. .

No idea where to put all that guilt & other emotions we’re made to feel every minute - meditation is hardly helping and I try to do the 20 recommended daily minutes at least once a week (but 5 minutes is totally fine! Don’t be hard on yourself! But meditate! But don’t be hard on yourself! But meditate! You’re a spiritual warrior! Ugh shut up already)
Damn wellness, you’re so much work. .
Keeping my emotions in track is becoming a job, you know?
Scroll the gram 5 min & you’ll feel happy, in awe, burst out laughing, also jealous, annoyed, & endlessly guilty you’re not doing more for the planet, politics… Ah the days where we were living in our bubble, not knowing what that person we met two seconds at a work event 5 years ago is doing in their bathroom!!!
I should invent a supplement for that.
You should see me in the morning, throwing pills into my smoothies (yeah, smoothies. I am DONE WITH THE FRENCH TARTINES, we see you tartines. We know you’re evil!) and making drinks no one can drink but me (have you tasted Ashwaganda? Yeah don’t. And if I ever offer you a “latte” - ask me to be specific about the ingredients and feel free to tell me to go away. I add Maca to it 🤮)
In some twisted way, knowing my way around my supplements makes me feel in control of my life, and I have to admit even though I hate admitting anything: ashwaganda works - plus I can pronounce it. Magnesium too. Collagen, I’m not sure, but people tell me I have good skin. My grandma had good skin. So, we’ll never know.
In doubt, I try it all, probably until the next trend comes along and someone comes up with @therealreal for supplements and I can unload without feeling so bad about saying good bye to all my powders. They should do a fashion week of supplements. I’d be totally full circle.

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