アガノヴィッチのインスタグラム(aganovich) - 11月24日 15時22分

Today is the last day of La Semaine Européenne de la Réduction des des Déchets (SERD) AKA European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR). To celebrate this fact we wanted to share with you a little side project that’s become a principle. As a) a design house and b) a business we produce a lot of paper waste. Basically pattern paper from the atelier and admin documents from the office. In the process of examining recycling options we were bothered by the fact that recycling uses energy.
Then it occurred to us isn’t making your own paper one of those things you do in elementary school..? How hard can it be? Sure enough thanks to @wikihow and a trusty 20 Euro basic office shredder we are now transforming almost 100% of our paper waste into DIY artisanal sheets without ever leaving the building. Nothing quite so satisfying as converting a cash-flow forecast or government tax notice into warm tactile panels of stationary. #semaineeuropeennedelareductiondesdechets #ewwr #consommerresponsable #reduiresesdechets #serd2019 #locavore #prisedeconscience #nouvelleshabitudes #gogreen #sustainable #upcycling #recycle


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