ニア・ヴァルダロスのインスタグラム(niavardalos) - 11月28日 11時49分

A few videos and pictures of a beautiful day in the LA rain. My daughter brought a friend and together with people we met, we put together donated food bags for those in need. Many thanks to school parents who donated grocery store cards for turkeys and to @thrivemarket for the dinner fixings we put into the bags and to all these amazing people who volunteered today. And a huge ❤️❤️❤️ thank you to @bigsundayorg for organizing amazing heartswelling events like this where we get to be useful and connect to our fellow humans in need. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, it’s definitely a year of gratefulness for me. ❤️ And now it’s time for 🍷.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



