ケイラ・ユーウェルのインスタグラム(kaylaewell) - 12月8日 07時49分

Once Poppy was able to get her Vaccines we were off to Santa Fe. Night shoots with a newborn and breastfeeding her on set in the middle of the desert. It was all such a great experience but had me on a whole new level of exhaustion. Now shooting in Vancouver and experiencing it all over again. It takes a village, and thank god for @tannernovlan_ and my Mom @smewell and my mother-in-law @coresanovlan for helping me out along the way. @everymomcounts is partnering with @littlespoon to make pregnancy and childbirth safe for every Mom, everywhere. The first year of postpartum is as crucial for Mom’s health as it is for Baby’s. Love @shilparshah for nominating me for the #oneforyearone campaign. 💛


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



