パイパー・アメリカ・スミスのインスタグラム(pyperamerica) - 12月15日 00時33分

I haven’t played my bass in probably 2 years. These boys knew I played and asked if I would learn this song with them for a Christmas concert. Off and on, I feel like I’ve been battling with depression and my mental health and self image. This opportunity to play bass again has expanded my testimony of God in that He hears my prayers. When I said I don’t want to feel angry and sad anymore and when I’ve pleaded for help wanting to change, He didn’t just heal my brain and heart and take my pain away instantly. I think He said, “Ok, just hold on.” I’ve left these band rehearsals feeling true joy and love which seems impossible to feel at times. I continue to find that God uses very special people in my life to be there for me and pull me out of darkness. I don’t see God physically sitting next to me but I know He’s there. I also know that music is another language of God and it makes me feel the most. What a special gift ♥️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Scarlett Rose Leitholdのインスタグラム
Scarlett Rose Leitholdさんがフォロー
