ケヴィン・スミスのインスタグラム(thatkevinsmith) - 12月29日 05時40分

In a perfect world, @スタン・リー would have turned 97 today. I miss my mentor often - but I see him every night of the @jayandsilentbob #rebootroadshow Tour, when he closes out our credits in the @imdb clip from the @コミコン・インターナショナル #imdboat. And every night, he gets the loudest, most loving response from everyone in the audience with thunderous applause. And for one, brief shining moment, it’s like the love in those rooms brings Stan back - if only for a few seconds. He was the best person I ever met - a fine fellow with a big heart, a deep abiding love for his wife Joanie, and the limitless imagination of a child at play. For some of his 95 years, we got to see that big kid at his most creative - and he made such an impact, they’ll still be telling stories about his characters long after you and I are gone from this world. One of the 10 smartest things I ever did was put my hero in #mallrats - because it kicked off a friendship that lasted nearly 25 years. I was blessed to have had Stan in my life, but I was lucky to have known him at all. Miss you, Maestro... #KevinSmith #stanlee #jasonmewes


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