エリッサ・ヤマダのインスタグラム(elleyamada) - 1月1日 00時45分

Hellooo my acne bro-sis! 🙋‍♀️ Today is the last day of 2019 and I'm going to recommend you the BEST skincare products I've tried this year: @dermae 'Very Clear' range!

I've been using this for almost a month and it really does wonder to my oily and acne prone skin! Now I'm not saying it makes my skin acne-proof, but the amount of oil and acne has decreased a lot anddd it has improved my skin condition (e.g. smaller pores)! 🥰
Aku rasa itu berkat kandungan Salicylic Acid nya yang berfungsi membersihkan sel kulit mati dan mengeluarkan kotoran dan toksin dari pori-pori, dan juga Tea Tree Oil yang mengandung anti septic dan anti bakteri. On top of that, @dermae Very Clear ini juga bebas paraben, phthalates, sodium lauryl sulfate, petrolatum, mineral oil, pewarna buatan, cruelty free, dan pH seimbang.

Out of the 4 products from this range, I love these 3 the most:
• Derma E Very Clear Cleanser (bersihin kulit tanpa bikin kulit kering atau berasa 'keset')
• Derma E Very Clear Moisturizer (ini melembabkan kulit tanpa bikin berminyak. Tekstur nya unik banget, kyk in between gel and cream, dan finishing nya itu semi-matte. Super love!)
• Derma E Acne Spot Treatment (ini bantu ngeringin dan/atau ngempesin jerawat cepet banget)

Jadi kalau kalian punya jenis dan masalah kulit yang sama kyk aku, dan lagi cari produk skincare yang cocok, I'd highly recommend this! Here's to New Year, Healthier Skin! 😊💖


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




