Xenia Adontsのインスタグラム(xeniaadonts) - 1月2日 02時36分

I remember one day in 2019, I just closed a big deal, I was having more (financial) „success“ than ever yet I was feeling emptier than ever. And I was wondering: Is this what my life is becoming? I felt endlessly lost, not knowing what I want and more insecure than ever. Sometimes even paralyzed. See, yes, success is nice if you deal with it right, but it’s really your core that defines a successful life. Life is successful if you get to be present in many beautiful moments, if you have people to share those with, when you constantly grow and evolve to a higher self. 2019 was definitely not my happiest year, but I learned that that’s not the point. I don’t know when we got taught the illusion that success and happiness are everything you need when there’s so much more to it. What you truly need and what can’t be shaken up, even when times get rough: a character so strong and grounded it is untouched by outer circumstances, genuinely good company, people who know the worst of you yet love you unconditionally, the courage to stand for something and to undergo difficult times in order to grow, and the wisdom to not get blinded by superficial things. I am more than grateful for my ability to learn, to be curious and to rise strong from anything that’s being thrown my way (or what I throw at myself), the people that surround me, which is true luck in life, my values, the courage I have had to leave the easy and comfortable things behind and take on a new scary challenge that will change my life forever, and the wisdom I got from my parents, friends and books to building the foundation of mental strength and not lose myself along the way. I have learned so much and I am finally rising again. And you know what? I am only getting started. Happy new decade ✨ #2020


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