Irene Norenのインスタグラム(irenenoren) - 1月27日 02時56分

Had one of the best weekends of my life. I needed to disconnect, connect with myself and good people and after these two days in nature far away from the city, meditating, sharing knowledge, eating great food, and spending time to people who have your same mindset was revealing. I feel healed. Rand thanks for your birthday, like you said this weekend wasn’t about a birthday celebration but a transition to a new chapter letting all the baggage behind and I think your mission succeeded ❤️ also I wanted to highlight the bond that Mathilde and I created, it’s so inspiring. Remember that we can always go back to the bubble we created yesterday where everything is beautiful, safe and in peace🦋❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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