マイア・シブタニのインスタグラム(maiashibutani) - 2月2日 12時35分

I love storytelling in all its forms. Since I was a kid, I thought the ability to capture a moment, share an experience, and make someone feel something, was special – it seemed magical. There are endless ways that we can express ourselves, but somehow over the past few years, I forgot that one of my first loves was photography. When I was very young, I always wanted a camera and even found a random Ansel Adams-themed class I could attend as an eight year-old. Recently, since I’ve had a lot of time to reflect, I’ve realized that I stopped taking photos because I put limitations on myself. As many of you know, Alex is very talented and captures some amazing and beautiful moments. At some point, I subconsciously decided that since he was taking photos (that I admired & thought were good), it was his “thing” and that was enough.
That’s not true. Even if we are a team, we are different people and photography is special because it shows how uniquely everyone sees the world – there is no one perspective. Like most forms of expression, how photography is interpreted and received is subjective, and that’s ok. While I’m sharing some of these photos, I’m doing this and will continue to do this for me. :)


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