Nicole Eevee Davisのインスタグラム(eeveedavis) - 2月5日 15時01分

鬼神⛩🌿 My Patreon is finally back up after all that waiting and stress ;ᴗ; *smallest yeehaw* for the sake of saving a huge and long-winded explanation here, I wrote it all out in a post on my Patreon and also shared in my story if you wanted to check out all absolutely not fun things that happened to me in the last week. Point being, I’m staying stronger than my misfortune and doing my absolute best to keep in high spirits against all the odds! I hope by sharing insight on my struggles I’m able to show you a realistic view of my life with all that goes on and in turn gives you the courage to preserve your own pains as well. Nobody has a perfect life and the cards you’re dealt will most likely never be ideal at all times, but what you make of it and how you handle yourself under that pressure will play the biggest hand in the outcome we seek at the daybreak of it all. I have to keep believing my reason and my purpose is yet to come still and that ever dead end is only pushing me in the right direction, it has to be.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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