ウド・ノイマンのインスタグラム(_udini_) - 2月18日 16時29分

one-hand Release and Freeze Challenge

While hanging from both hands, bring your body into a shape or have a partner guide you into a position. Now release one hand, while freezing your body like a stature, being as still as possible. Hold for three seconds (count ‘alligators’ or ‘thousand’ as one second) or, better, for three breath-cycles.
What is it good for?
In S&C this would be considered isometric strength training and it will certainly improve your static muscle and tendon strength.
The benefits for your balance are even more important imo. Balance is attained when the centre of gravity is over (or under, when hanging) the base of support. All movements require some sort of static balance, from which all controlled movement originates and is managed through effective posture and muscular contractions and relaxation. Struggling with finding balance before releasing a hand or foot often leads to much more struggling later in a climbing move. This is what you practice here: identifying the right position and timing for releasing one hand and building the strength to control the position after the release!
#ideastoimproveyourclimbing #borntoclimb #klettertraining #balance #tensegrity #strength #climbing #climbingperformancecoaching


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