サイモンとマルティナのインスタグラム(eatyourkimchi) - 2月26日 16時12分

One of the most difficult things to talk about is toilet problems 🚽 The frustrating reality that comes with many chronic illnesses is being trapped on the toilet on the regular 🧻 Facing each day comes with a roulette wheel of problems: will I have crippling stomach pain because I haven’t pooped for days? Will my food rip straight through me? Will I find a washroom in time? Will my stomach digest today and provide me important nutrients or will I throw up? 🤢 Where can I find pants won’t dig into my sensitive digestive track? So many behind the scene worries using up our energy 🔮 Because of the stigma around toilet-talk, it is often left out of the conversation when we tell our friends and family how we are doing. But hey: there is nothing wrong with a little bit of toilet talk. Those of us with #chronesdisease #ehlersdanlossyndrome #ibs #celiacdisease #colitis (just to make a few) might look “healthy” on the outside, but we’re dealing with these private struggles daily. If you let your friends and family know, you’ll feel much less awkward if you have to dash off to the washroom or cancel plans. Having friends/family truly understand your struggles is a mega #buildaladder moment. I hope that the more we discuss it, the less stressful it will feel, cause let’s face it: everybody poops 💩🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏿🧕🏽🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏿‍♂️🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️💩 E V E R Y B O D Y *starts singing SHINee*


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