クレア・グラントのインスタグラム(claregrant) - 3月6日 03時51分

Trailer for the short film I’m in with the talented @alwaysallisyn & always funny @steveagee dropped on @ハリウッド・リポーター this week. #SEEK was such a good experience for me. @ericvespe’s script was beautiful and creepy and so much of what I love about horror. And @aaron__morgan’s direction & vision was so clear while we were working together that I could just feel how good this little film was going to be. I’m not surprised at all that #SEEK has been picked up for so many festivals. Congrats to everyone who worked on this film. Also-how creepy is this evil puppet?!!! I hate it. I love it. I love hating it.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



