ジョン・メイヤーのインスタグラム(johnmayer) - 4月5日 01時42分

Bill Withers was one of the smartest people I’ve ever known. His thinking was so clean, so spotless. He saw the world with such clarity, and could communicate his point of view in the most eloquent, vivid way. Everything I ever heard him say was sage and useful. Bill Withers was good to the world, and he was good for the world. He wrote music as primal and spiritually necessary as psalms. His songs will live forever, and they will continue to make us better, more realized people. Even though he stepped away from the stage years ago, he continued to move and inspire people through his brilliant interactions with them. He will be so missed, and you can be sure that when we can gather again, we will sing out and celebrate him. He will be missed and cherished forever. ❤️


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