カミラ・カベロのインスタグラム(camila_cabello) - 4月27日 02時02分

“It is a blessing to know a free woman. Sometimes she will stop by and hold up a mirror for you. She will help you remember who you are.” - excerpt from a book that is changing my life right now. who’s reading what right now? im reading untamed by @glennondoyle and it’s like she’s speaking to my soul. there’s this chapter where she is talking about how she spent her 20s feeling like there was this perfect human somewhere who woke up every day feeling confident and great and clear and calm and like life was easy, I feel like I was going down that path too, feeling like i somehow was doing this life thing wrong because it felt hard, feeling like something was wrong with me- then she says “the only thing that was wrong with me is thinking that there was something wrong with me.” The amount of times I’ve made physical sounds to myself at the things I read in this book is embarrassing LOL, so many a ha moments but this was a big one for me. Feeling terrified and sad and overwhelmed and underwhelmed and confused and anxious and insecure and dark and then happy and confident and on fire and like life is a miracle and full of light IS being human. and things feeling hard doesn’t mean you’re doing wrong, it means you’re doing it RIGHT. it means you’re ALIVE. and like glennon says we have to let go of the fact that we think it’s supposed to be easy. UGH. I needed to hear that in this chapter of my life. OK I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I LOVE THIS BOOK AND THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH ME OR YOU OR ANYONE BECAUSE WE ARE ALL GOING THROUGH THE SAME CRAZY CONFUSING ROLLERCOASTER SHIT BECAUSE THATS WHAT WE SIGNED UP FOR WHEN WE SIGNED UP FOR BEING ALIVE AND I LOVE YOU ALL !!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




