トリー・ウィルソンのインスタグラム(torriewilson) - 5月6日 10時44分

Today I was reminded how stubborn I am.
I set out to film a new simple 20 minute follow along workout for my new fittensity on demand platform.
Sounds easy & simple enough. But I have this thing about wanting to improve SOMETHING every darn day.
EVERYTHING WENT WRONG today. It took me 10 damn hours to shoot 20 stupid minutes. Lawn guys made noise. Camera overheated multiple times. Camera went dead. Sound didn’t work. I got tired. I had to youtube camera settings. My lights fell down...shall I go on?😆🤯
BUT...everyday I learn a little bit more about lighting, camera settings, best time of day for personal peak energy & attitude to film, etc.
It may seem irrelevant to you, but to me it helps to focus on finding SOMETHING to get just a little bit better at. Even if it means only figuring out what DOESN’T work. (PLENTY of those days)
I’ll be honest, I probably spend wayyy too much time trying to learn how to do things I should hire ppl for & I will..but there is nothing like that feeling you get when ya finally understand something (even a little) that has seemed so foreign.
There is something soooo empowering about sticking with it & being STUBBORN - and realizing you are CAPABLE - even if it all needs work.
I don’t know why we are so hard on ourselves to be perfect at everything right out of the gate but it’s BS.
Start now. Imperfectly. Let others grow with you & witness the transformation.
I cringe at where I was 2 years ago but the exciting thing is that 2 years from NOW I’ll be stunned at how far I’ve come. I know it.
Whether you are in a setback, rebuilding, learning or growing...never stop reminding yourself that someday this is going to be one hell of a story. And every story is better when it’s IMPERFECT. ❤️


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