渡邊水希のインスタグラム(mizuki__watanabe) - 5月8日 04時09分

Introducing my favorite skin care series.
@KohGenDo 江原道(こうげんどう)
@Jurlique Japan
#👵👴❤️ I'm now working in a nursing home.
My friends say hard at this time, it ’s great,
but. when things are hard, that is when you put your full effort.It is good to endure through the hard times.
Nothing won't come out of lip service.
Nothing comes from artificial beautifulness.
I will do my best to do what I can and can do only by myself.
Of course I ’m careful about my health.
But a job that can only be done if you value someone more than yourself.
It is natural to value (and respect) the elderly who have lived before us and have always created the modern society.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



