ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月11日 11時39分

Video by @martinschoeller | Holocaust survivor Hannah Goslar-Pick was born in Berlin, Germany, in 1928. Hannah and her family relocated to Amsterdam. They were taken to the Westerbork transit camp and then deported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. “Anne [Frank] came to Bergen-Belsen, where I was already and someone told me: ‘Your friend Anne Frank is next to us!’ And so at night I went to the fence, and very careful (it was forbidden), and I start to call ‘Hallo, hallo!’ A Dutch lady answered me. She knew me; we lived in the same street in Amsterdam. And so she said, ‘Oh, you want Anne?’ And really after several minutes, a very sad voice is calling for me, and it was Anne. First thing we both cried, and she asked me if I can help with some food. So we didn’t have much more, so I came with such a little thing, and I had to throw it over the fence. And another hungry lady caught the package, ran away. And Anne was shouting and… awful. So we had three meetings. When I came again end of February everything was empty and I didn’t know what happened to her anymore.”
Recorded @yadvashem.


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