エリー・ゴンサルヴェスのインスタグラム(ellie_gonsalves) - 5月12日 09時33分

For 10 days in the middle of winter in Sydney, Australia, I was stripped of ALL my belongings (phone, ID, money, clothes yes even my undies) & wasn’t allowed ANY outside communication; I was homeless & ALONE... For me, this is when I am fortunate enough to share with you that this was for the 3rd season of the award winning intense documentary ‘Filthy Rich & Homeless’ on @SBS_Australia.
Sadly, for over 116,000 people every night in Australia, being homeless is not apart of a docuseries, it’s their life!
Until this experience, homelessness & people who have become homeless wasn’t something I was really exposed to. Even though I had ‘experienced’ a degree of what homelessness looked like while living in LA, I can honestly say, I knew NOTHING!
The professionals I spoke with who work tirelessly on these issues & the people who actually live their life sleeping rough, who go without money, shelter, food, support, communication & as I found out, even things as simple as eye contact & a smile, absolutely broke me. And as you will see, it broke us all, day in, day out, for 10 days straight.
To find out first hand that there are not nearly enough solutions in place to help people get back on their feet, especially if they are running from domestic or sexual violence left me in tears as you’ll see on the show. Yet while it brought me to tears, I also felt moments of reassurance & motivation in knowing that we live in a world where we can possibly influence positive change by our ability to connect with hundreds of thousands of people through our digital footprint by sharing these experiences.
I really hope that by watching & by all of us sharing our own personal journeys, we all get to better understand these situations & become a bit more compassionate, a bit more generous & a little less consumed by things that maybe don’t matter so much. THIS, I believe, will go a LONG way to making change within our political infrastructure. All change starts with US first & if we can spread that change, it WILL reach the right places.
I would love it if you tuned in to watch us #FilthyRichHomeless AIRS June 9th -11th on @SBS_Australia at 8:30PM


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