ダリア・ドミトリエワのインスタグラム(busia_22) - 5月12日 21時42分

Dear gymnasts and their parents! We have to stay home until May 31th because of the situation in the world ... I’m offering to spend some quality time! I’m sure you understand that such long breaks between the trainings can negatively affect the results! We should keep fit at home! And, fortunately, we have such opportunities nowadays 🙏🏽I am Daria Dmitrieva - honored master of sport, London Olympic Games silver medalist in gymnastics. Sofia Agafonova - golden medalist of Southern Federal District and Russian sports and ballroom dance medalist, choreographer. We are going to give you a training marathon✨ 4 different and productive trainings. Each of them is going to last for more than 2 hours. Children will be divided into the age groups💥 ————————
⭐️1st training (May 14th): 1st hour with Daria Dmitrieva (special physical training, skipping rope - for kids, hoop - for those who are older). Also I’ll tell how to beat fear during the performances❤️
The second hour will be with Sofia Agafonova. She has a special method of teaching rhythmic gymnasts 🙏🏽 You’ll be learning basis: body flexibility, choreography basis, movements and exercises focused on balance improvement, grace❤️
⭐️2nd training will be on May 17th !
1st hour: Daria with general physical training + ball, hoop with older kids
2nd hour: Sofia with jazz-funk choreo
⭐️3rd training will be on May 20th !
1st hour with Daria (training with turns/turns with stuff, all secrets of turns, work with a ball/juggling cluns
2nd hour with Sofia (vogue style, we’ll learn a new choreography and try to apply this style in practice)
⭐️4th training will be on May 23rd !
1st hour with Daria (body flexibility, balance, how to be more artistic to be loved by judges and audience, work with juggling clubs/ribbon for older ones
2nd hour with Sofia (Jive) we’ll learn how to work with the music character and learn a new dance 💛

The price for 1 training: 14$. If you’re ready to take part in all 4 trainings you’ll pay 42$ instead of 56$ 🌷 100% payment in advance. Write here to book a place: +79882456967 ✨ #rithmicgymnastic


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