タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 5月13日 18時31分

This child was in ICU and her precious mother who was praying over her captured this moment.... This just changed my life on so many levels..... Today I was on factime having a heart to heart with my spiritual father @iamcreflodollar and his beautiful wife @taffidollar he shared some life changing news that put the biggest smile on my face..... These days it’s hard to share great news with someone and have them to genuinely celebrate your wins!!!!! I’m so very proud...... Also just got some life changing news from my bother in Christ @realjohngray and @iamaventergray and it takes me to this clip.... When Gods favor reigns over your life it makes you feel childlike... Why? Cause it’s the inner innocence in you that has a heart for everyone you give you give you give... You DO.. you DO and DO MORE.... And when God extends that increase and over extended FAVOR it makes you feel childlike..... I am YOUR SON/DAUGHTER and you remain THE FATHER..... And I thank you for your love and grace........ Amen!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




