ヴィタ・シドルキナのインスタグラム(vitasidorkina) - 5月15日 02時09分

This was the funniest live ever😂Today I was teaching my friend @krissroma how to do easy raw vegan matcha cake😅 which didn’t seem so easy for her😂 sorry Kris! I hope we can still be friends😭😂 For 6 inch cake you will need:
140 gr dry almonds
20 gr miso paste
15ml maple syrup
1tbsp coconut sugar (Instruction: Crush almonds into small pieces in a blender add coconut sugar then add miso paste and maple syrup, blend again. Massage everything with hands and press it to the bottom of the mold making crust of the cake)
210gr dry cashews (soaked overnight)
80ml full fat coconut milk
80ml maple syrup
50ml coconut oil
15ml lemon juice
5ml vanilla extract
8gr matcha powder
Pinch of salt
(Instruction: drain cashews, put everything in a blender except coconut oil, blend until smooth silky texture(3-4 min high speed) , add coconut oil, blend again, pour cream on top of the crust creating flat cream layer put cake in the freezer for 5-6 hours until it’s frozen, then take it out of the mold, defreeze & put decorations(fresh berries, coconut chips. Done!😋)
NOTE: use 6 inch mold with removable bottom


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