ケイトリン・ディーヴァーのインスタグラム(kaitlyndever) - 5月17日 05時12分

This hurts so much. I can’t stop crying. I don’t understand life sometimes.... Lynn taught me so much. It was such a gift to learn from her and be in her presence. Her love was infectious...the movies we made were the most fun because she was there. She always believed in me. We met up at a Whole Foods once to talk about Outside In...she told me to meet her by the rutabagas... and then we walked around santa monica talking about making another movie together...I’ll never forget that day. she was always making me laugh. ....She is the most special person I’ve ever met in my life and I can’t even imagine her not being here anymore. I love you Lynn. I’ll never stop missing you. Thank you for everything.


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