アグネス・モニカのインスタグラム(agnezmo) - 5月25日 13時30分

“Women are expected to be thermometers, not thermostats: they control the temperature for everyone else in the room, making sure other people are comfortable and happy, but they do not get to set the temperature for themselves. A message women receive so early and so often is that being strong is wrong.” - Dr. Caroline Leaf.
In life i found it very “funny” (not sure if funny is the right word for it) that
1. People think they can define who we are (especially women) based on one “layer” or a glimpse of us that they might see; that THAT one side is all we are.
2. When people don’t know how to define us, they tend to put us in A box that THEY know or that THEYRE familiar with. Instead of trying to understand (and remember) that people are SO UNIQUE. We’re shaped so differently one another.
This problem is even more real for women, even to this day.
The woman in the first picture and the second picture is ME. Both are me. Just because i am who u think i am in the first picture, does not mean i am not who i am in the second picture. .
For everyone out there who are considered quirky, “weird”, different, and struggling to “fit in”, YOU are loved. You are not weird. You are unique cuz God created you that way. You are different, cuz you are born to stand out 😎🔥🤍🤍


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