ジトロワのインスタグラム(jitroisparis) - 5月28日 01時17分

DRESSING UP AT HOME IN JITROIS with Sarah Noel @sarah_noel__

1- How are you staying positive during this difficult time?
I am staying positive during this time by staying connected with friends and family

2- What is on your must-read list? Your favorite movies to unwind?
One of my favorite movies to unwind to has to be The Sound of Music, I could listen to Julie Andrews voice all day.
I Love psychological thrillers, I am currently reading The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
True page turner!

3- What are your quarantine essentials?
My quarantine essentials have to be my puppy, dancing music and watercolors.
I am currently spending time with family in North Carolina during quarantine

4- Your meaningful jitrois souvenir?
I love the experience of wearing Jitrois and how it molds perfectly to the body
You feel confidently elegant in every garment.

#jitrois #jitroisfromhome #jitroisklub


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