Nika Kljunのインスタグラム(nikakljun) - 5月28日 15時00分

#JusticeForGeorgeFloyd | This is absolutely ridiculous, to say the least. NO ONE has the right to treat people like this.
America cannot stay complacent towards the clearly disproportionate injustices towards and plain murders towards black and brown people. America cannot keep resting on the pride of being the “Land of the Free”, while staying silent, as innocent people unnecessarily die, let alone at the hands of government officials hired to “protect” communities. There is a systematic design here.
Slavery was abolished in 1865, giving black people their “freedom”. Yet 155 years later, black skin is still very clearly sufficient grounds to take away all any and every sense of freedom - through cold blooded murder.
It’s easy to ignore stories like #GeorgeFloyd ‘s when you scroll by it on social media. But we must stop reserving our empathy for only what we feel applies to US. We are all humans.
George Floyd is not a statistic. He was a good man with family, friends, and a life that deserved to be lived. We are all created equal. To sit by silently, to choose not to learn, to refuse to pay to be a big part of the problem.
In my heart, I have never thought to divide based on race. This is a sickening situation and it breaks my heart. America has a clear problem and it truly needs immediate attention. I will continue to be sincerely worried, and genuinely scared for the future, if we continue on this path.
#JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #GeorgeFloyd ❤️🌎🙏🏽


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