ミーシャ・ジーのインスタグラム(mishage8) - 5月29日 00時45分

Story: I remember that one-day early morning, while I was in Erevan, Armenia on the show (right after Cup of Russia with Kazuki), I received a text message from Brian and Evgenia @エフゲニア・メドベージェワ .
With the request for a new short program.
I remember I asked Brian "when do you need me?" He said, "as soon as possible." I said, "ok when you guys need to use a new program?" He said, "in around three weeks on Russian Nationals".
I still have a show there to perform that day, but my head already starts storming ideas, styles, directions, and other details on the choreography. After that show, the next day I should have a camp there, and after that, I should fly to the Czech Republic for another camp in Brno and also rework on Programs with Eliska.
So I have to cancel the first camp, bought a new ticket to fly earlier to Brno, finish earlier there, get another ticket and fly to Toronto to be there soon as I can. Those few days while traveling I staying midnights on music composing and ideas creating, planning, and layout arranging, based on the whole team requests. Even in airports and planes (some passengers though I'm the wired one, do create choreography in-plane corridors or while sitting in my flight chair, but I get used to that). 5pm landing in Toronto, straight to the rink with the luggage, 9pm in the Cricket Club on the ice start working. Early mornings we work in the gym, afternoons in the rink, and at night in the gym repeating details again. In around two days program complete. Rest days we keep working on details, clean-ups, specialists checking and costuming designing. I had invited one of my long time costume designer Elena to work with us on a set of new dresses after her first creation for the Evgenia FP (Tango - BlackPurple Dress). In a big team of Brian, Tracy, Evgenia, Elena, and me we went through many designs to find the right balance of maturity and clarity. And In the end, it was Red Blood (SP) and Black Elegance (FP). Continue in the comments ->


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