ジャック・ファライーのインスタグラム(jackfalahee) - 5月31日 08時22分

I left the #laprotest a few hours ago. Shortly after I left with my girlfriend, friends told us LAPD began firing rubber bullets and tear gas. Everything I witnessed today, from the initial gathering of protestors and activists in the park to marching down 3rd street was extremely peaceful and organized. To hear that protestors were fired upon shortly after I left is the reason I showed up this morning in the first place. We need to divest from inflated police budgets and INVEST in communities and schools. I also marched today for #georgefloyd and the countless other black and brown folks who have been murdered by police.
Follow @kendrick38 and @Halsey on live for updates.
#defundthepolice @bldpwr #blacklivesmatter


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