ソニアのインスタグラム(soniachew) - 5月31日 15時37分

“If it doesn’t affect me.. why should I care?” A selfish statement that many of us might have been guilty of saying/thinking about before. In a time like this, voices need to be heard. Awareness needs to be made. What happened to George Floyd can’t be ignored. Action has to be taken. Many of us still remain ignorant to what’s happening in the world, and that’s where the problem lies.
We need to do better. Just because these are issues happening in another part of the globe doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist in its own form at home. It all starts with educating ourselves to ensure that the next generation will grow up being more aware of these matters. Most of us in SG have been brought up in relatively safe and sheltered environments - but we must not overlook global issues.
We must change how we treat one another. We are all human and we deserve to live equally and fearlessly. It all starts from each of us, individually.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.. I just felt like I needed to take this opportunity use my platform to pen out some thoughts. Since we are all so active online lately, let’s put in some effort to raise awareness together, as a community. ♥️


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