パク・ジュンヒョンのインスタグラム(godjp) - 5月31日 18時54分

하ㅠㅜ 요새 전새개애 너무나도 말도안됄만큼 안좋운시기애 더욱더 안좋운일들이발생한다는개 너무나도 안타깝고 슬프다~저도 누구의 소중한아들, 동생, 아빠, 남편형, 오빠, 친구로서 이분도 역씨 이분가족들과 친구들한태는 소중한존재였을겁니다. 그런대 이분의 피부색하나로서 일이 그만큼 크개확대돼지안아도돼는상황애서 일이 말도안돼개 처리돼면서 소중한 목숨을이렀음니다... 사람은사람인만큼 평과는할수있어요 인간이기때문애 하지만진심 이런일이없어질라면 인종차별이라는거는 지금온새개가 타격을받고있는 코로나바이러쓰만큼 없어저야돼요.
하느님은 우리를다 He Created us EQUAL 하지만 We are NOT all treated equal... and that is the fault of mankind, just like any disease이런일은 코로나바이러쓰와 달리하니도없이 병이예요 그래서 병을없앨라면 한명만의 노력이안이라 다함깨 노력을해야 없앨수있는거예요~
Oh man... I don't know where to start so I will try & keep it short. I CANNOT BELIEVE in this time & age & also in these desparate times of the worst case scenario of our lives with this dang pandemic etc~ goin around ALL over the world taking peoples lives~ as if a deadly virus taking peoples lives were not enough~ human beings are taking other human being's lives just cuz the color of our skin... its just sickening! We are all humans & since we are humans we are ALL entitled to be judgemental & have the right to be so in our minds & how u solve your puzzle in your mind is your right BUT the important factor is your outward actions after you solve that puzzle & in this & in many other incidents like this, thru out the years, that puzzle was solved in the WORST possible manner ending with another precious life lost! CRUEL & UNJUSTIFIABLE! As a man, as someone's Precious son, brother, husband & a father, I'm sure so was this man & countless others who's lives were lost due to ignorance & prejudism! GOD CREATED US ALL EQUAL but as u know we are not treated as such & that's not God's will but the fault of mankind! Due 2 the poisoning of greed, carelessness, insecurities, & ignorance the outcome is this. Just like the deadly coronavirus/disease thats spreading, prejudism & hate crimes are a sickness & as u know a disease cant be treated alone~ The knowledge of the cause & prevention has to be spread to everyone! Just cuz 1 person wears a mask & washes their hands doesnt mean the sickness will go away EVERYONE has to be educated! Trust me Thru out my life I have had my many shares of experiencing prejudism~
May George Floyd RIP & May God Bless his loved ones #BlacklivesMatter #ALLlivesAreEQUAL


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




