Alex Centomoのインスタグラム(alexcentomo) - 5月31日 21時57分

This is my son. Above him are three important people who have made change throughout history. One person who fought for freedom. One person who fought for equality. And one person who fought to breathe. I can and will never understand what it is like to be scared to live day by day just because of the colour of my skin. But my heart bleeds for all of you. I have always spoken up about my thoughts on social media, but now being a mom, I want to set a good example for my son even more than ever. I want to raise my son so that he is educated on these matters. I want him to be able to speak up and not stay silent. I want us to help fight for the freedom that you all deserve. We stand with you. I stand with you. Forever. ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesmatter #justiceforgeorgefloyd


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