ナヤ・リヴェラのインスタグラム(nayarivera) - 6月1日 08時21分

In times like these and always we must stand up and be counted. Stand up against injustice. Prejudice. Pure evil. These are photos of my grandma protesting for civil rights in the 60s. She was an advocate for civil, women's, and human rights. She is my hero. This morning I meditated on her, on what we are all seeing play out in front of us today. It has been playing out for decades. We have been fighting this same fight for centuries. I am proud to come from a lineage of people who stand up for what is right. I am proud of every peaceful protestor, every person who is saying NO. I know my grandma Clara is looking down on me, on all of us and encouraging everyone to keep up the GOOD fight. The fight that gets our point across without giving anyone access to taint our mission with a false narrative of who we really are. Justice. Equality. Peace. Respect. My grandma stood up. I stand up.

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