ビーナス・アンジェリックのインスタグラム(venus_angelic) - 6月2日 01時27分

TRIGGER ⚠️ WARNING (MENTAL ILLNESS AND SUICIDE) Every single day I wanted to die. Every single day. What’s the point of living when you can’t function. I live in a beautiful country and many things to enjoy if I at least could function. But I couldn’t. My favorite songs started to sound like noise, my favorite food tasted bland and got stuck in my throat, the chest pain was unbearable and just walking somewhere felt like a Herculean task because everything felt fluffy and surreal, even people. Why can this person talk? What is this thing? Is there a pitch of darkness inside them, too? You know, behind craziness there is usually very solid reasoning that feels totally logical to that person. Most mentally ill people don’t injure themselves or self medicate because they’re dumb and lazy but because it’s what makes them feel “normal” and it helps them function, however it is, in the end destructive and dysfunctional. I’m a lot better now thanks to therapy and medication and I found something I like doing, something exciting and fun and something that ever since I started it made friends! Now that I’m healthier, I not only feel something, but actually, a lot of positive emotions and I understand the world around me a lot better. With that new mindset, I chose a fresh direction for my life. ❤️
P.S:Want to insult me or give me a verbal slap in the face? Just tell me: “The old Venus, THAT’s the Venus I liked!”. 😭


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




