ルラボのインスタグラム(lelabofragrances) - 6月2日 01時58分

Sometimes a little glass needs to be broken to wake people up. Even if the glass is the window of one of our labs.
Being Black is not a crime.
Hopefully we, as a Society, will find in our hearts how to end racial injustice with non-violence, light and love. This is not a small task, but we can do it. We don’t have a choice.
Quoting Michael B. Curry, from his article in the Washington Post:
«I am an African American man blessed to serve as the presiding bishop of the episcopal church. [...] What America has seen in the past several days may leave us wondering what we can possibly do in this moment to be good Samaritans — to help heal our country, even the parts we don’t know or like. But we have the answer. Now is the time for a national renewal of the ideals of human equality, liberty, and justice for all. Now is the time to commit to cherishing and respecting all lives [...] Now is the time for all of us to show — in our words, our actions, and our lives — what love really looks like.» May love show the way...


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