タイラー・ポジーのインスタグラム(tylerposey58) - 6月3日 08時36分

#theshowmustbepaused it was pointed out to me that I shared the wrong hash tag for this post. During these times, even though we want the same things, how we share them does need the educated information it deserves. In times of specific movements and voices who are needing to be heard, things can get a little confusing, but I think it’s important to do the research. The show must be paused had artists spreading a message on social media calling for “a day to disconnect from work and reconnect with out community" and “an urgent step of action to provoke accountability and change. As gatekeepers of the culture, it's our responsibility to not only come together to celebrate the wins, but also hold each other up during loss," I got that from billboard magazine. Mostly, I want change, I want to be there however I can to help anyway I can. Racism needs all the voices against it it can have. I know this doesn’t fix things in one day, so I’m dedicating my life to this cause. To make this home a home for everyone. Fuck racism

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