クリッセル・リムのインスタグラム(chrisellelim) - 6月4日 04時19分

Focused on amplifying black voices this week on my page for #amplifymelanatedvoices but wanted to quickly share this moment I had with my parents yesterday. It moved me to my core and made me super proud.
Traditionally most asian families (including mine) are quiet when it comes to speaking up about racial injustice and racism as a whole. But it has been weighing heavy on my heart that I needed to talk to my parents about the racial injustice that the black community is facing. I needed to know where they stood with the movement. A part of me was nervous that they wouldn’t understand and would be closed minded but I was wrong. My dad and I shared tears about the injustice and pain that the black community is facing right now. He even stated that we must love our black brothers & sisters like our own family. When he said that... tears started flowing and my heart exploded out of happiness.
I understand that not everyone’s parents will react the same way, and I know having these conversations within your own family can be VERY uncomfortable. Speaking up to the people closest to you, those you love the most sometimes can be the most challenging... but remember it all starts within your own home. Thank you @ummalim and Abba.. I’m so proud to have you as my parents 🙏🏻 #blacklivesmatter


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