ガブリエル・ユニオンのインスタグラム(gabunion) - 6月4日 10時12分

Today’s #WCW is freedom fighter and justice seeker, Sequita Thompson… grandmother to Stephon Clark. George Floyd’s story hit home for Sequita as she is still fighting for justice for her grandson today. Two years ago, her grandson died in her Sacramento backyard after two cops mistook his cellphone for a gun. The two Sacramento police officers who shot him were not charged and the 84 Sacramento residents who protested were arrested. Sequita has dedicated her time to advocating for a safer community where her family, and other families, don’t have to fear racial profiling and violence. She will continue to fight until her grandson, George Floyd, Breanne Taylor, and all the families and communities impacted by police brutality get the justice they deserve. Let us lift her up in the light of goodness and hold her there.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




