エマ・ワトソンのインスタグラム(emmawatson) - 6月5日 08時39分

I am inspired by and very drawn to the work of @theastergates. “By incorporating a multifaceted practice that unites sculpture, installation, film, performance, improvisation, musical compositions and actions in urban space, Gates transforms such spaces into places of artistic and cultural intervention and into potential platforms for political and social change. In the interplay of sculpture and photography, Gates’ work creates a space that raises questions about Black history, identity, spirituality and representation, with the potential to specifically interfere with the reproduction of reality.” (From Theaster Gate’s website). ⁣

Munich’s @haus_der_kunst is offering a virtual tour through Theaster’s exhibit, Black Chapel, on their museum page.


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Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー
