ミシェル・モナハンのインスタグラム(michellemonaghan) - 6月6日 04時05分

I encourage you to follow and read Rachel's profound words below. She has much to teach us. •
"This moment is a part of an ongoing racial inertia that had its beginnings with the tragic way enslaved Africans were brought to this country to be bought and sold in an evil system of chattel slavery.

A country built on the backs of the black people who were looted of their literal lives, reproductive freedom, family connections, self agency, and livelihood with no way out except the hope that white America would develop a moral compass that would include black people as people.

Ongoing racism, both written into law and accepted as normal by the white community and those complacent with it, resulted in every effort to remind the black community that this country was never built for their inclusion. Discrimination in all the ways that lead to a life and to someone being well such as housing redlining, medical racism, education segregation and lack of funding, loan discrimination,, mass incarceration, constant fear tactics and brutality from the police force, etc.

So where do you play into this equation? White privilege is what you hold in your hands as a result of that inertia — it’s not simply what your family “was able to build” over the last few generations. It’s how this country positioned whiteness as the “default” of access, opportunity and freedom — all fully backed by the government.

Generational wealth, family property, academic legacy, professional connections, the assumption that you aren’t a thug or lazy or a risk to the spaces you exist in — these are all inherited white privileges from hundreds of years in a country that is existing EXACTLY how it was built to.

White America has a reckoning to have with itself, its conscience and how it holds each other accountable. America and it’s government are not “ideas” or “institutions” — it’s made up of you, your neighbors, your colleagues, your family members, your elected officials — just people, other human beings who must be held accountable by those who will say 'no, more'" - @rachel.cargle


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