ベラミー・ヤングのインスタグラム(bellamyyoung) - 6月7日 12時21分

I was at a vigil today...
In case you haven't gotten to go out yet or in case you've only seen what the news covers, I want to give you another perspective. (Didn't want to film people without their permission, so I only taped the audio.) (with some footage of Razor)
We lay on the ground with our hands behind our backs in silence for 8 min 46 seconds. We sang a song to begin what followed that. We listened to 5 speakers. We sang another song to close.
This was at 76th/CPW in NYC. It was organized by @blklivesmatter & hosted by the Universalist Church of NY.
All was done with purpose & love. (And yes: everyone wore masks & did their best to socially distance.) As P & I were discussing things this morning, he taught me that the Portuguese word for 'protest' is 'manifestação' which means manifestion. I appreciate that reframe: that we are not just protesting social injustice, that we are manifesting an equitable future.
The speaker from the first video above concluded by asking us all when we got home, to write down & answer: "This is what I will do to make sure that America is equitable for all." As I educate myself, my list grows.
And I feel it an honor to work at it today & every day to come.
I'm sending each of you so much love. Always. ❤️


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