マッケンジー・モージーのインスタグラム(mackenziemauzy) - 6月9日 10時21分

I’m sure you’ve seen this by now, but I wanted this display of strength and solidarity on my page.

We’ve had to finally face this, as a Nation— I mean really, look in the mirror. And our quarantine kept us from hurrying on to our jobs or dates or trips and look racism and racial injustice in the eye. And as many get defensive, and some cover their eyes and ears, many also stand up to fight. To listen. To raise our voices. To have conversations that had scared us. To own our part in the pain. To ask forgiveness. To advocate. And to those who will again say that #blacklivesmatter is divisive, I say that « matter » is the minimum. And I repeat that injustice is divisive. Prejudice is divisive. People will argue. People will rally. But this is growing pains. And I pray it is pathway toward understanding, compassion, listening, action, and change.

« Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. » - James Baldwin


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