ポピー・モンゴメリーのインスタグラム(therealpoppymontgomery) - 6月9日 10時53分

Reposting the words of @maryamhasnaa -
“May we all take accountability for the energy we put out in the world and ownership for the harms we have done conscious and unconscious and things we have created from fear. So that we can transform them into their highest form. May all negative energy be transmuted. May we all move closer to our divine nature and confront, expose, heal those things that block our awareness. May our light be a true blessing to this world without ego, arrogance or the need for specialness. May all who meet us on our path be inspired by our presence and grace to find the truth and the light in their own life. May the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to the #happiness, #freedom and #liberation for all.”

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