スキン・ダイアモンドのインスタグラム(rayjoycat) - 6月10日 04時24分

This week has been wild! And heavy. And uplifting. Dark, but hopeful.
The first sign that I made ended up being a lot angrier than I anticipated. (My goth side showing) but by the end of the week, after participating in many peaceful protests, and seeing the solidarity of the people being there for one another, helping when they can, I feel more focused and ready. THIS is our future generation!! And I’m so proud. The hundreds of years of institutional torture has taken a huge toll on the black and marginalized communities, but seeing every race, religion, sexual orientation, etc coming together like this these past weeks has been awe inspiring!! Let’s keep this up!!! Vote! Sign petitions! Exercise your first amendment right! “They’ve” been using the system against us for years while successfully distracting us from the big picture. Now is the time to take the power back and give it to the people. “They” are nothing without us. And there’s a lot of us!!! #blacklivesmatter


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




