Huffington Postのインスタグラム(huffpost) - 6月12日 00時10分

If you want to be an ally in the fight against racism, start by acknowledging your white privilege. Then take action that supports the Black community. We talked to educators, activists, therapists and professors about the things white people often say that highlight their privilege without them realizing it.⁠

1. “It’s not my job to fix racism because I’m not racist.” What you’re essentially saying is that because the systemic racism doesn’t hurt you personally — a privileged position to be in — you don’t need to be involved in the fight against it. White people must step up to the plate, act as allies and use their privilege for good.⁠
2. “I don’t see color.” Refusing to acknowledge the color of someone’s skin is also a refusal to acknowledge the struggles they’ve endured and discrimination they’ve faced because of their race.⁠
3. “There’s no need to worry about the police if you’re not doing anything illegal.” The way white people perceive and interact with law enforcement is far different from the way Black and Latino people do. "White people tend to feel an innate sense of safety and security from the policing policies that racially profile and target Black people, in many cases leading to the use of excessive or even lethal force," said anti-racism educator Myisha T. Hill. "This is a prime example of white privilege.”⁠
4. “I don’t want to post about racism on social media because I’m scared of the backlash.” If the fear of relatives unfollowing you on Instagram or leaving “all lives matter!” comments on your Facebook posts prevents you from speaking up at all, your priorities are out of order.⁠
5. “I don’t have white privilege.” For white people to dismiss the benefits they’ve reaped because of their whiteness only goes to show how oblivious — and privileged — they really are.⁠
6. “I’m not sure when I should start talking to my kids about racism.” The question itself demonstrates that white parents have the ability to wait for the “right” time to talk to their kids about racial discrimination; Parents of color are often forced into having those conversations with their kids at a young age.⁠

Read more at our link in bio. // 📝@kelseyborresen


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